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Chambers Global 2016 wyróżnia DZP


Z przyjemnością informujemy, że w opublikowanym wczoraj rankingu Chambers Global: The World's Leading Lawyers for Business kancelaria DZP oraz nasi eksperci zostali ponownie rekomendowani. Jak co roku kryteriami oceny prawników były przede wszystkim zrealizowane projekty oraz profesjonalne podejście do klienta, którego opinia jest najistotniejszym czynnikiem.

CHG-DZP-2016W tym roku zostaliśmy wyróżnieni w następujących specjalizacjach:

  • Corporate/M&A - Krzysztof Zakrzewski i Marek Świątkowski

[Eminent practitioner Krzysztof Zakrzewski is a widely recognised corporate specialist, particularly in the field of M&A. Sources describe him as "a fantastic lawyer." He often assists clients from the banking and telecommunications sector.
Marek Świątkowski advises on corporate and transactional issues. He recently represented Flarna in its joint venture with other buyers in the acquisition of ANWIS.
Foreign Desks: The firm houses a team of Spanish speakers who assist Spanish clients with investment into Poland. Dual-qualified in Poland and Spain, Katarzyna Kuźma heads the team.]

  • Dispute Resolution – Grzegorz Domański, Józef Palinka i Paweł Lewandowski

[Senior statesman Grzegorz Domański is a highly respected arbitrator in the Polish market.
Paweł Lewandowski assists with a broad range of disputes, including in the energy, construction and insurance sectors. Large construction disputes are his recognised strength.
Jozef Palinka divides time between litigation and arbitration instructions. He recently represented ING in several court and arbitration proceedings over currency options.]

  • Banking & Finance - Magdalena Skowrońska

[Proficient in regulatory matters, Magdalena Skowrońska is valued by clients for her "good communication skills and expert knowledge." Furthermore, she assists with M&A in the financial services sector.]

  • IP - Aleksandra Auleytner

[Aleksandra Auleytner advises clients on copyright and industrial property as well as intangible rights issues, particularly with reference to e-commerce law and new technologies.]

Pełny ranking znajdą Państwo pod poniższym linkiem: www.chambersandpartners.com

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