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Chambers Europe rekomenduje DZP w 16 specjalizacjach


Właśnie ukazała się rozszerzona, czyli europejska, część rankingu Chambers and Partners. Uzupełnieniem opublikowanych w marcu wyników Global Guide, jest Europe Guide, gdzie zarówno kancelaria DZP, jak i nasi eksperci zostali ponownie wyróżnieni.


Rekomendacje otrzymaliśmy w następujących kategoriach:


  • Life sciences - Marcin Matczak, Michał Czarnuch, Tomasz Kaczyński oraz Patryk Turzański
    [Very pragmatic, clear and understandable.
    If we have a problem with very important topics, such as reimbursement, we contact DZP to guarantee that things are prepared to a high level, ready for discussion with the authorities.]

  • Projects & Infrastructure - Katarzyna Kuźma i Magdalena Zabłocka
    [The firm always tries to understand the business side of things and offers commercial and practical solutions.]

  • Public Procurement - Wojciech Hartung, Katarzyna Kuźma i Tomasz Michalczyk
    [The lawyers are very rational and focused on the daily co-operation and recovering from complex solutions. They have a desire to solve problems." "A recognisable team, valued by customers.]


  • Tax - Artur Nowak i Joanna Wierzejska
    [The team provides fast and clear advice. The answers were very detailed and the lawyers were approachable.]


  • Construction
    [The firm is very good for acquisitions of land plots and due diligence.]
  • Energy & Natural Resources - Paweł Grzejszczak
    [The firm has a sizeable practice and experience with energy law.
    The lawyers are very good at their work and really know the energy market.

  • Environment - Daniel Chojnacki
    [The lawyers are extremely knowledgeable, not only in areas regarding legislative matters but also in how to interpret those provisions.
    The team is punctual, professional and objective.]


  • Capital markets - Andrzej Foltyn
    [It's a good team, working with big clients and visible on the market.]
  • Real Estate - Lech Żyżylewski i Tomasz Darowski
    [Domestic firm with substantial expertise in real estate and construction law.]
  • TMT - Wojciech Dziomdziora
    [The lawyers have a good understanding of the regulatory side and telecommunications.]
  • Employment - Bogusław Kapłon
    [Acclaimed firm with a solid employment practice. Prides itself on its ability to provide advice on the full range of employment matters, including trade union issues, internal HR regulation and salaries.]
  • Private equity
    [A good and recognised Polish law firm.]

Pełny ranking dla DZP można znaleźć na stronie wydawcy: http://www.chambersandpartners.com/europe/

Bądź na bieżąco z DZP