Dlaczego DZP?

DZP umacnia swoją pozycję w rankingu Chambers Europe 2025

20 marca ukazała się druga część rankingu przygotowywanego przez wydawnictwo Chambers and Partners. Zestawienie zostało stworzone na podstawie danych zbieranych przez ostatni rok. Dzięki metodologii opartej na drobiazgowej analizie najbardziej złożonych transakcji z ostatnich 12 miesięcy oraz opinii klientów zestawienie precyzyjnie odzwierciedla aktualną pozycję rynkową firm doradczych, umiejętności rekomendowanych prawników oraz potencjał poszczególnych zespołów doradczych.

Niezmiernie cieszą nas wyniki tegorocznej edycji, szczególnie że do grona rekomendowanych od lat ekspertów DZP dołączyła czwórka wyróżniających się na rynku prawników: Katarzyna Biarda | Associate to Watch w kategorii Banking & Finance, Michał Cecerko | Up and Coming w kategorii Restructuring/Insolvency, Rafał Karbowniczek | Up and Coming w kategorii White-Collar Crime & Corporate Investigations oraz Łukasz Wojdalski | Up and Coming w kategorii Litigation.

Poniżej szczegółowe podsumowanie rankingu:

Band 1


Daniel Chojnacki Band 1

"Daniel's diligence in handling every aspect of our legal matters is truly commendable. He consistently goes above and beyond to ensure all details are thoroughly addressed and never misses a deadline."

Projects and Infrastructure

Marcin Krakowiak Band 3 | Tomasz Darowski Band 3

"Marcin's skills and knowledge of the industry and market are exceptional."

"Tomasz has strong confidence and an awareness of the material matters."

Public Procurement

Katarzyna Kuźma Band 1 | Wojciech Hartung Band 2 | Tomasz Michalczyk Band 3

“Katarzyna knows everything and is capable of guiding you through all concepts and risks within projects."

"Tomasz Michalczyk has above-average knowledge of procurement law and knowledge of the market in which we operate. He has the ability to work under time pressure and solve unusual legal problems."

Band 2

Energy & Natural Resources

Paweł Grzejszczak Band 2

"Pawel is very experienced, especially in energy restructuring, regulations and energy trading. "


Józef Palinka Eminent Practitioner | Paweł Lewandowski Band 2 | Łukasz Wojdalski Up and Coming

"The team has a flexible approach, good communication through the whole litigation process and exemplary legal expertise."

"Paweł is a very experienced litigator with exceptional legal knowledge."

"Łukasz Wojdalski is very good in direct contact with clients and counter-parties."


Artur Nowak Band 2 | Joanna Wierzejska Band 2 (Tax Consultants)

"Punctuality, clear communication and support in difficult moments are qualities that I particularly appreciate. Working with such an empathetic specialist is pure pleasure."

"Joanna Wierzejska is an academic source on tax and we have a high degree of trust in her."

White-Collar Crime & Corporate Investigations

Hanna Gajewska - Kraczkowska Senior Statespeople | Rafał Karbowniczek Up and Coming

"Hanna Gajewska-Kraczkowska is an extremely experienced lawyer."

"Rafał Karbowniczek is an extremely charismatic person. He is also very dynamic and effective in the activities he undertakes."

Band 4


Jarosław Łukawski Band 4

"Domański Zakrzewski Palinka has managed to build a strong expertise."

Corporate/M&A: High-end Capability

Krzysztof Zakrzewski Senior Statespeople | Marek Świątkowski Band 4

"DZP's team has an excellent focus on solving problems, and in-depth understanding of the business needs of both parties, demonstrating absolute commitment and dedication to achieve the goals."

"Marek is a very experienced lawyer with good understanding of the client’s needs and business environment. He knows how to build trust and seeks outside-the-box solutions for the client."


Agata Mierzwa Band 4

"Agata provides solution-oriented advice, impeccable communication and co-operation and a very refined way of describing legal issues."


Michał Cecerko Up and Coming

"Michał Cecerko is very approachable. He demonstrated a clear understanding of our brief."

Life Sciences

"Domański Zakrzewski Palinka has a competent team with an extensive knowledge."

Band 5

Banking & Finance

Katarzyna Biarda Associate to Watch

"Katarzyna Biarda provides very sophisticated work within a very limited timeframe."

Tomasz Darowski Band 2 w kategorii Construction

"Tomasz approaches each case with remarkable precision, thoroughness, and a solution-oriented mindset, ensuring that client interests are both protected and advanced."

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