
charging the electric car in station. renewable energy concept

Revised draft act on electromobility & alternative fuels

In September 2016, the Ministry of Energy announced a general plan for the development of electromobility in Poland, with an initial draft act on electromobility and alternative fuels being announced on 27 April 2017. In October 2017 the Ministry of Energy published a revised draft act (Draft Act), which is significantly different from the initial version announced in April 2017. Below we focus on the new approach taken in the Draft Act to the development of a network of electric vehicle (EV) chargers and compressed natural gas vehicle charging stations.

Zmiany w energetyce 2017 – relacja z konferencji

Zmiany w energetyce 2017 – relacja z konferencji

Eksperci z Praktyki Infrastruktury i Energetyki – Daniel Chojnacki, Counsel, Grzegorz Filipowicz, Senior Associate oraz Maciej Białek, Associate byli prelegentami podczas tegorocznej konferencji pt. „Zmiany w energetyce 2017- wyzwania sektora regulacyjno-prawne sektora energetycznego”, która odbyła się 29 listopada w Warszawie.