Aneta Włoszek

Senior Associate

+48 660 440 384
  • Specialises in EU funding and State aid issues.
  • Provides support to companies in terms of State aid for various purposes (including regional aid, rescue and restructuring aid, research, development and innovation aid), particularly under block exemptions.
  • Advises on infrastructure projects in various sectors in the context of public support for implementation.
  • Also advises in proceedings concerning financial adjustments imposed in connection with irregularities in the implementation of projects financed with EU funds.
  • Gained experience at the Competition and Consumer Protection Office, where she participated, inter alia, in work on developing rules for the granting of support by Polish entities in the 2007-2013 financial perspective constituting State aid. In particular, she notified the European Commission of draft aid programmes and made such notifications for individual aid.
  • Member of the Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law.

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    Unsere Rechtsanwaltssozietät beriet die Gesellschaft Samvardhana Motherson Automotive Systems Group BV bei der Übernahme von 100% der Anteile an der Dr. Schneider Automotive Polska. Die Transaktion auf dem polnischen Markt gehört zu der weltweiten Strategie der Motherson, die Gesellschaften der Schneider-Gruppe zu übernehmen.


  • EU-Kommission akzeptiert Beihilfe für Kohleindustrie

    DZP - Beratung | 20.11.2016

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