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Draft of the new Public Procurement Law



Katarzyna Kuźma
Dr Wojciech Hartung


Infrastructure and Energy


Public procurement

On 24 January, a draft of the new Public Procurement Law was published and sent for public consultation.

The new Law is to replace the current regulation on 1 January 2020. The draft is extensive (nearly 700 articles) and covers all types of procurement and partially introduces solutions and institutions unknown to date, e.g. conciliation procedures for disputes arising from contract performance before the new Conciliation Chamber at the NAC. It also includes substantial changes, such as: modifications in exclusion prerequisites and structure of participating in the tender, new rules regarding public contracts that aim to bring contractual balance between the public and private side, new procedure for contracts below EU thresholds, and much more. 

Which of the proposed changes are most important for contractors and which elements of the new Law should be particularly noted?

Please follow this link to read the full legal alert:



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