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Next to brands, the most valuable of a company’s assets is information. Information storage, transmission and use are in technical terms continuing to develop. Just as market expansion is not easy without development and brand protection, it is difficult to run a business without IT support. Therefore, these processes have to be included in the legal framework while mitigating risk.

Domański Zakrzewski Palinka has for many years now had a team of experienced experts who advise on rights to intangibles. We help clients to either create or make use of existing legal structures in order to achieve their full business potential. The expertise of the IP&TMT Practice is based on market awareness and many years’ experience with copyrights and neighbouring rights, industrial property rights, protection of personal interests and database protection rights. Our clients are owners of recognisable trademarks, entrepreneurs whose rights to intangibles require regular market monitoring.

We also help our clients protect their intangibles rights on the EU market, mediating in, e.g. observing EU patents, Community trademarks and industrials patterns, and in registering rights in international proceedings – patents, trademarks, industrial patterns, certificates of origin.

A cross-section of the interests of the IP&TMT Practice translates into topics discussed in our IP Law blog.

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