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Regulatory advice and legislation

In Poland, an average of 20,000 pages of new legislation enter into force every year. The legal environment for business, the conditions for conducting economic activity and the rights and obligations of businesses are constantly changing.

These changes are sometimes introduced in a hurry, often without a reliable assessment of their economic, legal and social impact, and also without the involvement of the addressees of the new regulations.

We believe that the interests of businesses should be duly represented in the law-making process and taken into account when new legislation is created. New legislation should not create barriers to business development or impose excessive regulatory burdens on businesses.

Therefore - regardless of the sector - we help our clients to be actively involved in the legislative process and the public debate about new regulations, and monitor changes in regulations and assess their impact on business.

The main aim of our advice is:

  • to protect the freedom of establishment from unjustified constraints,
  • to improve the quality of new regulations, ensuring their rationality and systemic consistency,
  • to remove regulatory barriers and help create legislation that is conducive to business development.

We support our clients by:

  • regularly monitoring legal changes that could affect their operations,
  • comprehensively assessing the impact of proposed legal changes on their interests, sector or the economy,
  • joining the law-making process and speaking out in discussions on changes that are the source of the greatest risks or opportunities for them,
  • building up a coalition of stakeholders interested in joint representation of their interests in the law-making process or in the public debate on amending legislation,
  • drawing up proposals for new regulations or changes that enable them to develop their business or reduce barriers to operations,
  • initiating reviews of bad laws by national and international bodies appointed for this purpose – the Constitutional Tribunal, the European Commission, the European Court of Human Rights and ordinary courts,
  • claiming compensation for the consequences of bad laws, including damage due to so-called legislative lawlessness – in cooperation with DZP's Dispute Resolution Practice.

We also participate in projects implemented by the public sector that are aimed at comprehensively implementing new regulations into the Polish legal system or adapting Polish regulations to the requirements of EU law or other international regulations.

We also provide dedicated advisory services to local government entities, particularly on system issues and on matters involving the financing of tasks imposed on local government entities by the legislator.

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