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DZP – leading legal adviser in the creation of a purchasing alliance by the Auchan and Intermarche chains

DZP – leading legal adviser in the creation of a purchasing alliance by the Auchan and Intermarche chains


Lawyers from DZP have advised Auchan Polska and SCA PR Polska on setting up a purchasing group to negotiate the terms for the purchase of own, national and international brands of food and non-food products with selected suppliers.

The Competition and Consumer Protection Office approved the applications filed on 24 May 2024 and issued clearance for the concentration, enabling the creation of a purchasing alliance between the two companies. As a result, a new entity will be established to represent the retail chains in discussions with FMCG suppliers.

“We very much welcome the Competition and Consumer Protection Office President's decision. We are confident that the partnership cooperation will have a positive impact on the development of the market, will bring benefits to all parties, primarily to Polish consumers, who will gain access to a wide range of products at even more favourable prices allowing them to manage their household budgets more efficiently. Protecting the purchasing power of Polish customers has been at the centre of our attention for years. The current purchasing alliance is yet another element in the implementation of Auchan's policy in this area.” said Alexandre Saussard, CEO of Auchan Polska.

DZP's involvement in the creation of this purchasing alliance covered all legal and tax aspects. Jarosław Łukawski and Jan Siesicki from the Competition Law Practice were responsible for obtaining Competition and Consumer Protection Office clearance for the transaction. Transaction and corporate advice was provided by Jakub WieszczeczyńskiPrzemysław Lach and Michał Kostka, while in the tax area, the clients were supported by a team headed by Joanna Wierzejska and Jan Czerwiński. Labour law issues were handled by Łukasz Górzny.

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