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Precedential ERO settlement to connect a wind park to the transmission network


On 18 October a precedential administrative settlement was concluded before the Energy Regulatory Office laying down the content of an agreement to connect two wind farms of a total output of 410 MW to PSE Operator's network. The Law Firm Domański Zakrzewski Palinka was legal adviser to the companies that initiated the dispute in the case before the ERO President.

The conclusion of two administrative settlements between PSE Operator S.A. and companies from the Element Power group ended a dispute between the parties over a refusal to conclude agreements on connecting wind farms to the transmission network. The dispute centred on the wording of disputed provisions of agreements negotiated by the connected companies with PSE Operator S.A.

Earlier DZP's lawyers had advised on the conclusion of an interconnection agreement for the first of three wind farms (with output of 150 MW) covered by this investment.

Support in negotiations and legal representation in the project was provided by lawyers from the Infrastructure and Energy Practice: Paweł Grzejszczak and Katarzyna Radzewicz.

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