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Global Industrial Cooperation Association (GICA) Spring Conference



Tomasz Darowski


Infrastructure and Energy


Defence and space industry

The annual Global Industrial Cooperation Association (GICA) Spring Conference will be held on June 13-16 in Oslo, Norway. The event brings together government authorities and companies from the defense sector to connect, share best practices, policy updates, success stories, and lessons learned in creating and implementing Industrial Cooperation & Partnership programs that deliver sustainable economic and social benefits to the countries where they are established.

During the conference, Tomasz Darowski, Partner and Head of the Defense Team, will take part in a panel discussion titled "Industrial Cooperation in Central Europe from the Perspective of Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic." The following topics will be discussed during the session:

  • focus on the cooperation of the Polish, Romanian, and Czech industries with international prime contractors in defense sector projects, nuclear projects, and offshore wind farms,
  • localization of supplies,
  • EU rules and significant safety exceptions: a narrow path or wide-open gates?,
  • challenges: state aid, public procurement regulations,
  • mechanics of industrial cooperation.

The registration form and conference program can be found on the organizer's website.

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