When and where can I meet my adviser?
24.05.2018 DZP in cooperation with Microsoft and Chambers of Commerce: BPCC, SPCC, PHIG, PPCC, CCIP, invite to the seminar "GDPR (RODO) last minute", Thursday 24 May, 9.00-11.30 at DZP's office, Rondo ONZ 1, Warsaw.
23.05.2018 On 23-26 May we invite you to the conference of the International Association of Young Lawyers – AIJA. It focuses on corporate governance and developing the lawyer-client relationship.
15.05.2018 Vitafoods will take place on 15-17 May in Geneva. During the event Michał Tracz will give a presentation: "Self-regulation in food supplements advertisement - universal learnings from Polish success story".
31.01.2018 DZP together with bilateral Chembers of commerce have the pleasure to invite you to the seminar "New anti-corruption laws in Poland - risks and duties to be faced by businesses from 2018".
12.09.2017 Together with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade we are pleased to invite you to a business seminar on public procurement in Poland, which will be held on 12 September.
29.06.2017 On 29 June we’d like to invite you to DZP ITEO Knowledge Session organized within DZP Future project. During the meeting our experts will talk about key legal aspects of business development.
28.06.2017 Last week Bartosz Marcinkowski was participating in the Countdown to the GDPR: Mitigating the Potential Risk semminar, organised by Chambers and Partners in association with Meritas.
22.06.2017 We are pleased to announce details of the Countdown to the GDPR: Mitigating the Potential Risk semminar,organised by Chambers and Partners in association with Meritas.
17.11.2016 On behalf of BPCC, the Trade and Investment Promotion Department of the Polish Embassy in London we invite you to a seminar about public procurement in Poland.
27.10.2015 On 27 October in Brussels the European Federation of Associations of Health Product Manufacturers (EHPM) is holding workshops on Food Supplements during which experts from DZP’s Life Sciences Practice are to speak.
15.10.2015 On 15 October a conference will be held in Warsaw on Preparing Bankable PPP Projects in Poland organised by the International Project Finance Association in conjunction with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and Mott MacDonald.
24.11.2014 We are pleased to invite you to participate in the fourth Central-Eastern Europe Fraud & Risk Conference to be held in Warsaw at the Sofitel Victoria Hotel on 24-25 November.
06.12.2012 On 6 December Lech Żyżylewski, a reprivatisation expert and Head of the Real Estate Practice at DZP, took part in a debate on "Reprivatisation claims – a brake on the economy or a chance for development?".