How does my legal partner work?
To meet market requirements and in response to our clients’ expectations, as part of the Real Estate Practice we offer comprehensive advisory to perpetual usufructuaries of real estate.
Recent legislative changes have enabled businesses to transform perpetual usufructs into ownership rights, thereby eliminating annual charges. As the end date of perpetual usufructs established in the 1970s (i.e. in the period immediately after this concept was introduced in Poland) is approaching, perpetual usufructuaries should take steps to retain their title to the real estate. Also, the problem of perpetual usufruct charges (amount and rates) and changes in designation and deadlines for developing real estate held in perpetual usufruct persists.
Using our experience as a basis, we have prepared a range of solutions aimed at helping businesses with all these issues. For your convenience we give below brief details of the scope of the services we provide.