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DZP supports the next annual Mother and Child Startup Challenge


One of the main tasks of the Mother and Child Startup Challenge supported by DZP is to promote cooperation between startups proposing innovative solutions in the area of maternal and child healthcare and medical facilities. During this year's third annual competition, not only biomedical startups have the opportunity to showcase their innovative solutions, but also those using in their projects technologies that can improve the functioning of hospitals. The winning project will be implemented at the Mother and Child Institute and in hospitals co-organising the competition.

Entries will be accepted until 23 June from early-stage startups focusing on areas such as:

  • paediatrics, gynaecology and obstetrics,
  • prevention and screening,
  • patient education and support in specialist training,
  • process and documentation management,
  • laboratory technologies and biotechnology,
  • solutions supporting the organisation of hospital work.

Participants can look forward to the support of experienced mentors and the ideas behind their projects being reviewed by experts.

Mateusz Mądry, Head of DZP's Life Sciences Practice, and Dagmara Lukosek, Associate, are involved in the project.

More information about the competition and the application form are available on the competition's website.

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