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Marcin Krakowiak, member of the jury in the Nordic Excellence Award competition


Marcin Krakowiak, Partner and Head of the Infrastructure & Energy Practice, has been appointed a member of the jury in the Nordic Excellence Award competition.

The competition is organised by the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce, a business association which supports the development of Polish-Nordic economic relations and has over 400 members, including the Law Firm DZP.

The purpose of the Nordic Excellence Award is to honour entities that help strengthen Polish-Scandinavian economic relations and which excel in offering innovative solutions in the area of products and services, and work towards sustainable development and for the local social and business community.

Prizes are awarded in seven areas. The DZP expert was appointed a member of the competition jury in the following categories: Investor – ProductionInvestor – ServicesInvestor – Green Transition and Rising Star. Prizes will also be awarded in the following categories: Innovator, ESG Leader and Local Partner.

More information can be found at Nordic Excellence Award.

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