DZP | Future

DZP Future

DZP | Future is an environment for the cooperation of innovative companies with high growth potential, investors open to above-average risk and the startup community, which has been determining the dynamics of the Polish market for years.

DZP | Future is a multidisciplinary project with selected DZP lawyers whose knowledge, experience and mindset best suit the needs of up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

The DZP | Future team supports startups from the early stages of company formation, hiring employees and raising financing for development. Our understanding of new technologies, the specificities of high growth ventures and their underlying goals allows founders to focus solely on product development through proactive and flexible consulting.

We focus on these main areas of startups’ legal needs:

  • intellectual property law (registration, acquisition, protection, licences, EULAs
  • corporate law (company structuring and formation, funds, ASI)
  • e-commerce, IT contracts, GDPR, cybersecurity
  • tax law
  • labour law (contract templates, expat employment, employee options)

DZP | Future is also invaluable in the investment process, in which we represent founders as well as capital providers. We consult venture capital funds, participate in creating CVC structures, and negotiate terms and investment agreements.

We follow best Sand Hill Road standards, while having the particulars and limitations of the Polish legal system and the demanding regulatory environment hard-coded into our professional lives.

We advise these ventures particularly on:

  • raising financing (shares, loans, governments grants, SAFE, crowdfunding, etc.)
  • negotiations with investors
  • personal data protection
  • regulatory environment for financial institutions (payment institutions, loan companies)

At DZP | Future, our mission is to build up a relationship with new generations of clients. We know and educate ourselves on their specific needs and non-standard nature – hence our openness to unconventional solutions and alternative settlement mechanisms, and an even greater willingness to invest in long-term cooperation.

What makes us different is our:

  • involvement in incubation and acceleration projects
  • close cooperation with leading startup organisations in Poland
  • mentoring support for selected young pro bono entrepreneurs
  • internal platform for putting startups in touch with business angels
  • business relations with some of the largest enterprises in Poland
  • more for less, i.e. customary quality and versatility on tailored conditions for startups
  • complete, multidisciplinary team of people creating an open and friendly relationship

What remains unchanged is the high quality of our services, our strong business acumen and the additional value we deliver to our clients, also through our active involvement in seeking company development paths.

We are convinced that a big law firm can be an excellent partner not only for large but also for smaller companies (and, by the way, every startup aims high).

At DZP | Future, we want to provide the best solutions, always tailor-made, and grow alongside your thriving business.

Under the supervision of our Managing Partner, the project is coordinated by Maciej Zajda.

For more details, please contact DZP | Future directly at

See for yourselves that we’ve left our suits in the closet.



Krzysztof A. Zakrzewski

+48 602 216 831


Maciej Zajda
Fintech & Venture Capital

+48 660 440 345

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