Gniewomir Wycichowski-Kuchta

Senior Associate

+48 516 294 873
  • Specialist in constitutional law, EU law and legislative technique. Draws up legal opinions and regulatory reports assessing legislative correctness and whether provisions comply with the Polish Constitution and EU law.
  • Comprehensively supports clients in the legislative process – from legislative monitoring through preparation of impact assessments of proposed amendments to representing businesses at the government and parliamentary stages of the legislative process.
  • Provides day-to-day assistance to national and international clients in the area of the law on sensitive products, including in the alcohol, gambling, tobacco and FMCG sectors, advising on regulatory issues, contract law and advertising law.
  • Also advises on compliance, internal whistleblowing systems and AML processes in obliged institutions, counteracting corruption and mitigating criminal risk, including under national and EU sanction regimes. Experienced in conducting internal audits and investigations.
  • Worked as a legislator in the government administration, where he drafted and reviewed normative acts, represented the government in the legislative process, prepared pleadings in proceedings before the Supreme Administrative Court and the Constitutional Tribunal, and in proceedings conducted by the European Commission. Completed his legislative training with distinction.
  • Doctoral student at the University of Warsaw Doctoral School of Social Sciences. He delivers lectures and implements research projects at the University of Warsaw's Law and Administration Faculty, and is also a research associate at the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
  • Member of the European Law Institute in Vienna, the Polish Legislation Society and the Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – Polish Section of the IVR.
  • Author of numerous academic publications in leading Polish and international journals. Former manager and contractor in research projects financed by the National Science Centre and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

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