Magdalena Wojtkowiak

Senior Associate

+48 798 802 284
  • Specialises in administrative law, particularly pharmaceutical law and the law on medical devices.
  • Advises pharmaceutical companies, medtech entities and veterinary businesses on issues involving the placing on the market of and the trade in sensitive products such as medicinal products, medical devices, food supplements, cosmetics and biocidal products.
  • Supports clients in ensuring that their marketing and advertising activities for sensitive products comply with applicable regulations. 
  • Has experience in advice combining regulatory, compliance, civil law and new technologies law issues, including projects to bring innovative products and solutions to the market.
  • Represents entities in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors in administrative proceedings, including proceedings before the President of the Office for the Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products and the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector, and in administrative court proceedings.
  • Member of the Warsaw Bar Association of Advocates.



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