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Consulenza per Private Clients - Chambers High Net Worth 2020


Siamo lieti di annunciare che il nostro studio legale è stato inserito nella prossima edizione della classifica Chambers High Net Worth 2020, che raccomanda i maggiori specialisti in vari settori della consulenza per private clients (imprenditori privati, imprese familiari). Nella lista per la Polonia, nella categoria Private Wealth Law, ci è stato assegnato il posto Band 2.

Commento dell'editore:

Domański Zakrzewski Palinka assists high net worth individuals and their families with private wealth matters.

An interviewee comments that "they are one of the best law firms in Poland," explaining: "I absolutely enjoyed the experience of working with them. They have a very good understanding, they are very precise and accurate in their work, they consider all the relevant points for my needs. I was really impressed by their service."

Notable practitioners: Joanna Wierzejska is a key contact at this practice.

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