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Domański Zakrzewski Palinka's IP&TMT Team would like to invite you to a webinar on Zoom on the benefits of Fast Track registration of EU trademarks before the EU Intellectual Property Office that will be presented by Mr Michał Nita in Mandarin Chinese on the 20th of July at 9 a.m. (3 p.m. Beijing time). The webinar will last approximately 45 minutes and it will be followed by a Q&A session. Please find the link here:
Domański Zakrzewski Palinka (DZP) 律师事务所的 IP&TMT 团队邀请您参加 Zoom 网络研讨会,我们会讨论欧盟知识产权局快速注册欧盟商标的好处。该研讨会将由 Michał Nita 律师以中文进行介绍 7 月 20 日早上 9 点钟(下午3点北京时间)。 研讨会将持续大约 45 分钟,然后是问答环节。 请在此处找到链接: